First Baptist Church’s Five-Stage COVID-19 Response Plan






FBC’s Stage 4 is beyond that, tentatively June 14, 2020 to September 25, 2020. In this stage, significant changes are made as we prepare to return to full operation.





  • The building is open to day to day operations to all FBC ministries, events, and activities. Outside group usage to be determined on a case by case basis by staff.
  • Staff is invited to come back to the office, but allowances are made on a case by case basis. Volunteers who work in office space to assist with day to day operations still to be approved by the Office Director.
  • For the first time, everyone is encouraged to return to the church building to gather for worship in person. We will continue to provide online services as they were before the pandemic, for those who have special situations or concerns. In this stage, we ask the following requests and restraints:
    • Please meet all recommended health requirements to do so. According to the CDC, a person must be fever-free for 72 hours and be 10 days past the first appearance of symptoms to no longer be considered contagious.
    • Wearing a personally provided mask is required.
    • All people are asked to use the hand sanitizing station upon walking in.
    • Those who attend are requested to sit every other pew with 6’ between any non-household member. Please do not put someone in an awkward situation by sitting next to them, even if that is where you “always” sit. Be flexible and find a safe place to sit and respect people’s boundaries.
    • Those who attend are invited to drop their offering in a basket in the back. No passing of plate.
    • If a communion service arises during Stage 4, those who attend will be provided a self-contained communion packet upon entering (a table set up in back of worship center with them laid out).
    • Bulletins will be provided in service and handed out by ushers.
    • There will be no neighborhood time and people are asked to respect one another’s personal space regardless of how they personally feel about the COVID-19 pandemic.
    • Indoor playground is closed and we ask people to respect one another’s space.
    • Friendly faces and greeters are invited in the Gathering Area again, but still no handshaking or hugs. Still no one at doors to allow people to have space to walk through.
    • A volunteer at the “Start Here” and Children’s Area sign in desk to answer questions.
    • Doors open at 10 am, no Sunday School classes, No youth or children programs, no coffee or refreshments, no water fountain usage, no access to other areas, and no valet car services.