Pentecost Sunday 2023

What is Pentecost?

Mission Moment:  The Espinoza’s in Spain
(This service is a time of worship in song and reading of the Bible.)
Acts 2:1-11     Pastor Jerry shares about the meaning of Pentecost.

1. We are adopted!

The Spirit of Adoption
John 14:16-18
Romans 8:12-16
Brandon reads an excerpt from the Adoption Declaration from the judge as Shiloh became his son legally.
Revelation 3:12         We receive a new name.
Before Shiloh became their son, he was known as “baby”.  After the declaration he became Shiloh legally.
Andrea shared about when she came to know the Lord Jesus.
Galatians 4:4-7
John 3:16-17
John 16:8
The Holy Spirit convicts us that we need salvation and freedom from sin…

2. We are sealed!

Ephesians 1:13-14     The Holy Spirit seals us when we believe.
Ephesians 4:47    The gift Jesus has given us is the Holy Spirit.
2 Corinthians 1:18-22    God has given His Spirit as a guarantee.
Romans 8:9-11
We need to know who we are.  We are adopted.  We are sealed…

3. We are transformed!

Romans 12:1-2    You are transformed by the renewal of your mind…
1 Corinthians 6:19-20    You are now a temple of the Holy Spirit!
2 Corinthians 3:4-18    We are ministers of a new covenant.
Pastor Jerry shares “The Apprentice Prayer”

The Apprentice Prayer

Jesus, I love you! Father, I adore you! Holy Spirit, I rely on you!

Lord Jesus, I seek to live as your apprentice in all that I do today. My life is your school for teaching me. I relinquish my agenda for this day and I submit myself to you and your kingdom purposes. In all situations today I pray, “Your will, your way, your time.”

Dear Father, I ask you to ordain the events of this day and use them to make me more like Jesus. I trust you, Sovereign Lord, that you won’t let anything happen to my family or me today, except that it passes through your loving hands. So no matter what problems, hardships, or injustices I face today help me not to worry or get frustrated, but instead to relax in the yoke of your providence. Yes, today I will rejoice because I am in your eternal kingdom, you love me, and you are teaching me!

My Lord, I devote my whole self to you. I want to be all and only for Jesus! Today, I seek to love you with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, all my strength, and all my relationships.

Today, I depend on you, Holy Spirit, not my own resources. Help me to keep in step with you.

Today, I look to love others as you love me, dear God, blessing everyone I meet, even those who mistreat me.

Today, I’m ready to lead people to follow you, Jesus.


Pastor Ken closes the service.

You can watch this service by clicking HERE.

The Apprentice Prayer is located on this website:

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