Current Information for you:
We re regret that our Calendar program is not updating properly.  We ask that you check our Current Bulletin at the link above for all current information until a time when we can resolve this issue.  We will post some current events below:

For the week of November 10th

We invite you to join us this Sunday morning as we
worship the Lord together!  We will have a special message on Leadership.  Sunday, November 10th will be our Annual meeting followed by our Awesome Autumn Pitch-in dinner!  See ad below and to the right.

Watch the Video Announcements for this week.

Please join us live in person or online at 10:30 a.m. Sundays

Sign up will be available in the Gathering Area following Worship each Sunday through Nov 24th.

…during the week:
Please call the Church Office during office hours for current information about Bible Studies meeting during the week.   (765) 529-2687
…and other opportunities:

Meet at the piano in the gathering area from 10-10:20 am.

Did you know that Pastor Jerry has authored several devotional books?  If you would like to learn more, visit his author website by clicking HERE.