— Current Information for you:
Click on the link above for the current Bulletin with a calendar of events for December.
For the month of December

We will only meet on December 4th & 11th this month.
Please join us live in person or online at 10:30 a.m. Sundays
- On our webpage: www.newcastlefbc.com
(archived messages also available under the “media” tab) - On Facebook: www.facebook.com/newcastle.firstbaptist/
- On YouTube: www.YouTube.com Search for NewCastleFBC

The following video is about people in situations who have benefited from GriefShare.
See below the video for more information.
If you or someone you care about wishes to attend, meet with us beginning:
Wednesday, January 8
6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
709 South Memorial Drive
First Baptist Church, New Castle, Indiana
Room 614
(13 sessions)
(Enter through Door #1 Click HERE for a building map)

Please call the Church Office during office hours for current information about Bible Studies meeting during the week. (765) 529-2687
Did you know that Pastor Jerry has authored several devotional books? If you would like to learn more, visit his author website by clicking HERE.