John 20

Seize the Moment – Day 105

Peace be with you!

John 20


Good morning! This is Pastor Jerry Ingalls from New Castle First Baptist Church and today is Tuesday, June 30.


What is the good fruit of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?


Listen to a phrase that flowed from Jesus’ resurrected lips as He went to His followers in those first days of His Victory over death.


In John 20:19, “Peace be with you!”

In v. 21, “Peace be with you!”

In v. 26, “Peace be with you!”


Great things come in threes! In the same way that Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him three times in John 21, He says, “Peace be with you!” to His followers three times upon His resurrection. Maybe, one for each day of His experience of death. Death has lost its sting! Peace be with you!


Jesus’ resurrection is the promise of faith; it guarantees your freedom from sin, your victory in the face of defeat, and your security in the Father’s embrace!  Peace be with you!


Jesus’ resurrection is the promise of hope, that from death comes life, from ashes comes beauty, and with each morning’s sunrise comes new mercies! Peace be with you!


Jesus’ resurrection is the promise of love, which calls you to be a person of peace, a minister of reconciliation, a lover of God and people! Peace be with you!


Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God (Matthew 6:9). Blessed are those who bring good news with them wherever they go; Peace be with you!


Do you believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?


If so, here is the promise and here is your daily choice: Peace be with you!


Seize the moment and rest in the promises of God! Walk in faith, hope, and love! As God’s peace is with you, may God’s peace go with you…


If you need any practical assistance or would like to receive a personal phone call, please dial the phone number below and someone from FBC will call you soon.




If you prefer a video, Pastor Jerry reads his devotion on YouTube as well.  Click HERE to visit the page. 
Videos are posted about a week after the devotion appears in the blog.

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