God’s Design and Plan: Experiences

Seize the Moment – Day 224

God’s Design and Plan: Experiences

“I have said these things to you, that you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” 


As we continue our acrostic, yesterday we talked about what drives us. Today, I want us to see how God uses our EXPERIENCES to shape us.


When Jesus was talking with His disciples, He told them that it would not be an easy life (you will have tribulations), but He wanted them to rest in the hope and peace that only He can provide because He has overcome the world.
He never abandons us when we go through struggles and trials, but rather is there to be our shelter in the midst of the storm. And when the storm passes, we have the testimony of what God did for us during that time.
It is an experience that prepares us to share those experiences with others as we see them going through similar situations.


It’s time for us to wake up and realize that we all have something to share in building up the body of Christ. Find God and His peace in every situation you face, and be ready to give Him the glory for what He has done.



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If you prefer a video, Pastor Ken reads his devotion on YouTube as well. Click HERE to visit the page.
Videos are posted about a week after the devotion appears in the blog.
