Table of Blessings 2023

We gathered together on Sunday, November 26, 2023 to thank God for His many blessings.  Seven of our brothers and sisters shared some very specific events in their lives for which they were exceedingly grateful.  Watch as they share how God has seen them through times of hardship and sorrow, triumph and rejoicing.  God is unpredictable as to how He does it, but indeed He works all things for the good of those who love Him and whom He calls to His purpose! (Romans 8:28).
Below is a general outline and description of those who shared with us.  The time references are from the first video with just the sharing…

Host: Pastor Ken Durham


Matt and Emily Hurst (2:08)

Sometimes God brings into our lives things that are difficult to bare.  Change can be challenging, but God is good – and He means ALL FOR GOOD!  Our daughter has cystic fibrosis, we have gone through job changes, substance abuse in the family, and the death of a parent.  We are learning to forgive as we walk with Him.  Matt shared a meaningful quote from a book that he recently read:
They say of some temporal suffering,
“No future bliss can make up for it,”
not knowing that Heaven, once attained,
will work backwards and turn even that agony
into a glory.
– a quote from The Great Divorce (C.S. Lewis)

Deb Winters (15:36)

Deb shared about transitions in life such as retirement.  (Ecclesiastes 3:1)  We must remember God’s faithfulness.  He is with us through it all!  Prayer is so important in life.  When I truly trust God, He brings peace.  I often wondered how I could ever cope with retirement when I am a people-person.  Actually, transitions are nothing new – we experience them throughout life.  (Proverbs 3:5-6) We learn to trust as we keep turning to Him.  I find in retirement that there is more freedom with more time for relationships and for prayer!  I highly recommend retirement!

Tina Durham (26:08)

I, too, have gone through a big job change.  I have learned that God is in control.  It may take time, but He knows what we need.

Misty Watkins (27:57)

Losing a spouse is very difficult.  It takes time to learn how to live without them.  There are many changes that happen along the way, like changing jobs.  I have learned that God wants to be in the job with us.  Trust Him and share Him with others.  Pray!

John and Soozi Davisson (35:15)

(John 2:1-11, Psalm 76)  We are servants.  God chose us.  We want to be available. (2 Corinthians 6:1)  Yes, we too have experienced job change.  We have been considering adoption.  We have also been considering Samaritan’s Purse.  As we read in the book of John, we  learned that the servant’s job was to say, “Yes.”  They were to bring the water.  Jesus is the one who transforms our efforts. (2 Samuel 22:30)  When we are available and say, “Yes” – He provides what is needed!  “With my God, I can!”  We must remember that this is God’s story, not ours.  Consider the power of God’s word in our community.  (Psalm 23:3; Isaiah 55:10-11; Hebrews 10:20-25).  Lastly we would like to share a “pour-over” of God’s word with you… (Psalm 103).

Ken closes with song and prayer  (50:56)

Take the time to be thankful.  For your home, your family and for what God is doing in your life. 

If you would like to watch just the sharing portion of our service, Click HERE.


If you would like to watch the entire service including music, click HERE.


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