Advent 2023 (Wk 5)

Back to the Future

27 For just as the lightning comes
from the east and flashes even to the west,
so will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Cyndi Johansen & Bree King share with the children.

Luke 1:31-33
Matthew 13   Jesus compares things to the Kingdom of God
Luke 4:11
Matthew 25
Mark 4:11
Matthew 24:27, 30-31
Jeremiah 23:5-6a   The Lord is righteous, perfect, never broke God’s rules
We’ve all done wrong things… (example of sticky notes = our sins)
Jesus covers our sins (example:  Blanket)
Matthew 24:31-34
When is Jesus coming back?
Matthew 24:36 
What if you were getting ready for company but you didn’t know when they were coming? 
When would you get ready?

Conclusion: Pastor Jerry shares

Philippians 2  So then my beloved…
God gave us the Holy Spirit… to secure us, to empower us…
1 Corinthians 15  We will all be changed!
If you believe this — act like it!
How do we do this?  That will be our focus in 2024!  Get ready for some challenges…

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