Everyday Discipleship Wk 3

Everyday Discipleship with Real People

Teaching #3: The Second of the Big Three:

The Gift of Intimacy with God and How to Pray God’s Word!



(If you are just beginning your journey, please read the introduction…)
I invite you to participate in the First Baptist Church’s 90-Day New Testament Reading Challenge


Purpose: To train in godliness according to 1 Timothy 4:7b-8, every day for 90 days by reading God’s Word and meditating upon it day and night. To take the next step in your journey of following Jesus and becoming like Him. A 90-day New Testament reading plan is available to you at the church and will be emailed out to you.


Method: I invite you to read three (3) chapters of the New Testament every day over 90 days, starting on Monday, January 8. That’s 21 chapters a week. Before every chapter, I invite you to pray – to reflect upon what you have just read and to invite the Holy Spirit to give you insights and wisdom into what you are about to read. The Bible is God’s Word, and it must be discerned with spiritual eyes; therefore, you must pray and read, read and pray, praying at all times as you read. An example prayer is this: Sovereign God, I ask that You open the eyes of my heart to accurately read and spiritually discern Your inspired Word. Holy Spirit, please lead me in greater understanding and right application of all that I read and meditate. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. I will also be inviting you how to write a S.O.A.P. journal entry on your daily readings so it will also benefit you to grab a pen and some paper and keep it with your Bible through this 90-day New Testament Reading Challenge.
Accountability: While we will meet every Sunday morning for a discipleship training during our weekly worship service, and I will ask you if you are keeping up with the reaching challenge, it will be easy to hide in the pews. Therefore, I invite you to have a spiritual friend that you can meet with each week to sit down together, or talk with on the phone. You will pray together, review the week’s discipleship training from Sunday morning, discuss your readings from the week, share your journal entries with one another as you feel led, and talk about how you are experiencing growth in your Christian life through this experience. This is a time of encouragement and sharing the journey of following Jesus, to become like Him as you learn to walk in His easy yoke. This is best done in a rhythm of personal time with Jesus and community with friends and family. You are invited!
Today’s Lesson Outline:


The Second of the Big Three:

The Gift of Intimacy with God and How to Pray God’s Word!

Loving accountability from the first 2 weeks:

1) Bible intake of Matthew 1-28 & Mark 1-12: Y or N

2) Study the handout on the Five Finger Method: Y or N

3) Use the S.O.A.P. Bible journaling technique: Y or N

4) Pray before and after my Bible time: Y or N

5) Memorize Mark 1:17 & Galatians 5:22-23: Y or N


A disciple is a person who intentionally follows the ways and teachings of Jesus Christ. Last week, you were taught the importance of Bible intake through the five-finger method of getting a grip on God’s Word. Today, you are going to learn how to follow Jesus’ example of Bible intake and prayer, twined together as Jesus prayed the Word.


The ways of Jesus that you will encounter in Luke this week. Read Luke 4:1-13, 16, 42; 5:16; 6:12; and 22:39-46.

+ Jesus defeated Satan by praying the Word all three times (4:4, 8 & 12).

+ “as was His custom” (4:16)

+ “went to a secluded place” (4:42)

+ “often slip away to the wilderness and pray” (5:16)

+ “He went off to the mountain to pray” & “He spent the whole night in prayer to God” (6:12)

+ “as was His custom” (22:39)

+ “Pray that you may not enter into temptation” (22:40).

+ “Yet not My will, but Yours be done” (22:42).


The Three Obstacles to Intimacy with God

  1. Superficiality! (Luke 6:46-49)
  2. Failure to Prioritize! (Mark 8:35-37)
  3. Wrong Focus: Information vs. Intimacy! (2 Tim. 3:1-7)


When am I to pray?

+ Find Jesus praying in the Gospels and take note of it.

+ Read and reflect on Jesus’ prayer in John 17.

+ Read and reflect on Jesus’ prayer in Luke 10:21.

+ Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:17. It’s only 3 words!


Tips to Praying Scripture

+ S.O.A.P. moves you to pray the Word.

+ Move God’s Word from your head to your heart.

+ Pray God’s Word when you don’t have words or when you are not sure if your words are “in His name.” A great first step is the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13):


“Pray then in this way: ‘Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’”


Action Items for this week:


1) Bible intake for this week: Mark 13-16 & Luke 1-17.

2) Write a SOAP journal entry for either each chapter or each day. Bring your notebook each week.

3) Review this handout as you prepare to read your Bible every day. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you “become” conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.

4) Memorize 1 Thessalonians 5:17 and practice praying the Lord’s Prayer each day, found in Matthew 6:9-13

5) Read and reflect on the Tyranny of the Urgent handout.

Tyranny of the Urgent (part of your learning tools for this week)

If you would like to watch this lesson on YouTube, click HERE.


If you would like to view the entire service including music, etc. click HERE.

