Everyday Discipleship Wk 5

Everyday Discipleship with Real People

Teaching #5: “The Call to the Great Community!”


(If you are just beginning your journey, please click HERE to read the introduction

Loving accountability from the first 3 weeks:
1) Bible intake of Matthew 1 to John 12: Y or N [Note: if this pace of Bible intake is too much for you, please know that

     grace abounds! Don’t quit; keep going! Find a pace that works for you.]

2) Use the S.O.A.P. Bible journaling technique: Y or N
3) Pray the Lord’s Prayer every day: Y or N
4) Memorize John 13:34-35: Y or N

5) Calendar a weekly time for spiritual friendship: Y or N


+ Disciple = intentionally following Jesus’ way and teachings

+ Discipleship = intentional journey and life-long commitment to learn and manifest the fruit of who I am in Christ

+ The “Big Three” = transformative practices of Bible intake, prayer intimacy, and spiritual friendships

+ Great Community = intentional community of disciples who are called in love, gathered for love, and sent on mission


1) The Great Community is the “church” (ekklesia in Acts 11:26), which literally means, “the called out gathering or assembly.” While it can be used to describe any assembly of people, in the New Testament it is the work of the Holy Spirit to ingather those who have been called in Christ for God’s will. The church is God’s idea; not mine or yours!

2) Read 1 Peter 2:4-12.  Why is God calling us out of the world and into fellowship with Him and one another?

3) Memorize Matthew 5:14. What is the difference between being a “city on a hill” vs. a farmhouse on a hill?

+ Meditate upon this truth within the context of Matthew 5:13-16. How is Jesus calling us to be His church?

4) Read Acts 2:38-47.  What brings the church together?  What were some of the activities of the early church?

5) We are the church!  Jesus is the head, and we are the many members of His one body. This imagery gives the body structure and purpose. Read Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:11-16; Romans 12:4-8; and 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.

6) We are commanded to gather as the church. Read Hebrews 10:23-25. Why are we supposed to gather today? What difference does it make to gather regularly?

7) The kingdom of God is a relational kingdom! As fellow members of the church our relationships have significance. What is the “so that” of Jesus’ prayer in John 17:22-23 and how does that connect to the new command of John 13:34-35? What then is the ultimate purpose of all that we do as the church and as a local assembly of believers?

+ “so that the world may know that You sent Me, …”

+ “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, …”


Action Items for this week:


1) Bible intake for this week: John 13-21 & Acts 1-12.

2) Write a SOAP journal entry for either each chapter or each day. Bring your notebook. Are you willing to share?

3) Review this handout as you prepare to read your Bible every day. Invite the Holy Spirit to help you “become” conformed to the image of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:29).

4) Memorize Matthew 5:14 and be intentional about gathering with your local assembly of believers (church).


If you would like to watch this lesson on YouTube, click HERE.


If you would like to view the entire service including music, etc. click HERE.


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