Missionary: Jim White

Faith (And what it takes to live in Faith)

from Missionaries Jim & Teresa White
Teresa shared, thanking the church for their support during a time of deep loss and for a time of renewal in Newfoundland. Teresa also shared about some changes in their mission outreach into “the hood” of their city in the Dominican Republic.
Jim wanted to share about Faith and what it takes to live in Faith…. For many, when the hard times come, they walk in doubt.
The Bible teaches that we are to be like Jesus when we walk on earth.
1 John 2:6; 4:17; We bring the Gospel of Life with others. You may be the only “Jesus” that others ever see. If we are living like Jesus, then others will meet Jesus. We are the hands and the feet and the love of Jesus on earth!
We should live each day as if it were the last day for us on earth. How would you change your daily life?
1 Corinthians 9:24-27 Run is such a way that you will not be disqualified.
We are to run the race with great intent. Our goal is to see Jesus face to face!
Our first thought of the day, our thoughts at work or with others and our final thought of the day – is it Jesus?
Philippians 2 – we are to think of others more than we do ourselves.
God has given us everything we need to be like Jesus. He honors effort. We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling…
Evil today is rampant. It’s not isolated, it is everywhere! It is not going to get better. From here on out it is going to get worse. Are you prepared? We hear about Christians being in other countries, but it is beginning to happen here. Satan has more freedom in out schools while Christians have to fight for the privilege to do things there!
Evil is expanding across the globe and Christians are beginning to lose faith. They are impatient and don’t want to wait on God.
There is a goal we need to focus on: to see Jesus face to face. We need to be willing to give up everything. To go where God sends us!
We started the mission field dirt poor with rats and cockroaches, and now we are blessed with a nice (although unfinished home), but if He asked us to give it up tomorrow, could we? We need to be ready and willing…
I spent 60 days in a Haitian prison and was accused of being a terrorist. I was cleared by Homeland Security and ATF. I was a political pawn. It was the perfect storm. There were many demonic “coincidences”. 60 days was a miracle. The consulate expected me to be there for at least a year and maybe more. They even told me it was a miracle. And many miracles happened while I was in prison. God does things in our lives like he did for the apostles!
Paul considered himself to the be least of the apostles, yet he did so much more.
We have to be prepared for what’s coming…
Colossians 2:6 Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.
The only way we can be intimate with Jesus is through His word. Not by asking Him for things! Just by showing up and reading His word and talking to Him!
I was never afraid while in prison. Although I was never given a number (which meant they could make me disappear), but God protected me with others who took care of me.
A lady gave him a pamphlet, “How do die in a foreign prison.” He wouldn’t take it because God had already assured him that he wouldn’t.
I don’t need to learn how to die in prison, I need to learn how to die in Christ! The worse thing you can do when faced with death as a Christian, is to beg for your life. Death is the doorway to being with Christ!
Like Paul, I would rather be with the Lord than with you…please don’t take offense at that.
Around the world we see evil being taken as good and good as evil!
We are all given the ministry of reconciliation, not just the pastors! We will all be held accountable for those in our circle of ministry where we live, and for the truth He has given us.
2 Corinthians 5:18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.
Jim shared a story about an event in the jail and the healing of a nonbeliever there and how God used that to lead him to Christ.
Another story was about a man in the prison who was so depressed that just waiting to die. He wouldn’t eat or drink. Jim was sharing with others about how simple it is to receive Christ. Many were saved and began preaching the Gospel. That night this man told Jim that he needed Jesus, but he didn’t know how. Jim told him to just speak to Jesus and tell him of his need. He began to pray and pour out his heart. He changed from being so depressed to being full of joy! The whole cell of men celebrated.
He was still sad because he had murdered someone and would never see his family again. Jim prayed a simple prayer for him. He was released 3 days later. Another miracle. He was asked to pray for many people after that!
Faith is not complicated. Faith is believing that God is who He said He was and that He will do what He said He would do!
We just need to be faithful, no matter what comes your way. He will deliver you!
Death is a door. If we die in Christ, we are delivered. We have no need to fear!
1 Thessalonians 2:13 For this reason we also thank God without ceasing, because when you received the word of God which you heard from us, you welcomed it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which also effectively works in you who believe.

You can watch the message by clicking HERE.


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